Wellness Policy

Longfellow SpanishImmersion Magnet School

K-8 Wellness Policy


Good nutrition makes for healthy bodies and healthyminds. We ask that your child have agood breakfast before coming to school so they are ready to learn. Food and beverages that are sent to schoolshould be nutritious and low in sugar content. Students should not bring candyto school. Energy drinks such as RedBull, Monster and sodas are not allowed. Parents should never bring sweetsnacks, treats, cakes, pizzas, etc. to school for birthdays or withoutpermission for a special event. The free/reduced breakfast/lunch program isavailable to those who qualify. Applicationsare available in the front office and can be completed at any time during theschool year.

Background -Federal law requires all school districts to have a local wellness policy. Thewellness policy must address nutrition education, physical activities, schoolmeals, and all other foods and beverages available at school. This federalmandate is part of No Child Left Behind. The San Diego Unified School Districtadopted a policy in 2007 that requires each school to have a policy. It isespecially important that we implement a comprehensive policy at Longfellow toprotect the well-being of all students and to give parents control over thediets of their children. The policy is also necessitated by the need to protectthe physical health of our students with food allergies.

NewPolicy at Longfellow - We are responsible for educating thewhole child and thus must consider not only the social, emotional, cognitiveand academic aspects of education, but also the physical and nutritional onesas well. Longfellow has joined the national campaign to promote health andwellness at school. It is the collective responsibility of schooladministrators, teachers and parents to take care of the health of our childrenand to teach them about health and wellness from an early age. Making such acommitment will require us to set and adhere to new health and wellnessguidelines for our school:

Snacksand Lunches - The school highly encourages parents to packhealthy snacks and lunches for students to consume at school. The schooldiscourages foods high in fat and/or sugar at all times. Candy and sodas arenot allowed in school.

Rewards- Longfellow teachers, administrators, and parents willnot use candy, sweets, popcorn, sugary food, junk food, or sugary drinks asrewards for academic performance or good behavior. Teachers will develop other,non-food means for rewarding good behavior and academic achievement.

HolidayCelebrations - Food served as part of authorized schoolcelebrations should make a positive contribution to children's diets andhealth, with an emphasis on including fruits and vegetables as the primarysnacks. Some suggestions includewhole-grain crackers and cheese, low-fat tortilla chips and salsa, veggiesticks and low-fat dip, sliced apples and cheese, fruit salad with yogurt dip,and whole grain breads. Snacks that are high in sugar and/or fat are highlydiscouraged. Allergies of children within the classroom should always be takeninto consideration. Holiday celebrations must alwaysbe scheduled and coordinated with the classroom teacher in advance. Please notethat these celebrations are only to be scheduled during the last 30 minutes ofthe school day.

BirthdayCelebrations - To minimize disruption to instruction,birthday celebrations will only occur on the last school day of each month. Birthdayfood should never be brought to school without explicit permission from theteacher on a designated day. Birthdaycelebrations must always be scheduled and coordinated with the classroomteacher in advance. Please note thatthese celebrations are only to be held during the last 15 minutes of the schoolday, on the last school day of each month.

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